Intimacy with Images: The Art of Archetypal Psychology
by Nina S. Ross, PhD
“Wonderful book… so thought provoking and inspiring.” Rich Armington, Therapist
“Intimacy with Images inspires in me a desire to run into a studio and make art! The poetic sensibility of Nina Ross’s writing welcomes us as readers into her own painting studio with humour and a humble approach to the psyche and art-making process. This book pays important homage to Hillman’s Archetypal Psychology, bringing it together with the arts and with art therapy in deep appreciation of the beauty and autonomy of the imaginal world.” — Rebecca Peterson, PhD
Dream it
“Wonderful book… so thought provoking and inspiring.” Rich Armington, Therapist “Intimacy with Images inspires in me a desire to run into a studio and make art! The poetic sensibility of Nina Ross’s writing welcomes us as readers into her own painting studio with humour and a humble approach to the psyche and art-making process. This book pays important homage to Hillman’s Archetypal Psychology, bringing it together with the arts and with art therapy in deep appreciation of the beauty and autonomy of the imaginal world.” — Rebecca Peterson, PhD Dream it